This is a multi-purpose tee time booking plug-in, which allows members, public golfers and league players to book tee times as specifically allocated by the club.
Clubs have the opportunity to advertise their own tee time specials on their course's website. Golfers are able to conveniently view and book these specials.
Members sign in to book tee times, league times or tournament times. Members can also view member messages, reports, post scores and manage their profile by signing in from the course website.
League members, whether they are public players or course members, can sign in to view and book their league tee times. This is especially helpful if public players participate in your leagues.
The public booking interface will significantly increase online booking at your club. Golfers are now able to view available tee times before signing in. Once they have found a tee time, they sign in and book the tee time directly on your club's website.
Golfers can sign in to manage their profile. They can to make changes to their profile, including changing their username and password, adding playing partners to their favourites, and viewing their upcoming and past bookings.